Friday, January 24, 2014

I'm not Smart

The concept of smart has already been classified into categories already and everyone knows them, the only problem is that not everyone realizes what they actually mean. The two categories are Street-Smart, and Book-Smart. In truth one of these is not actually smart, it is skill. To begin, I'd like to change their names so that the meanings behind them are more obvious.

Street-Smart is a very broad way of defining smart. The idea that we should be looking at is the smartness of logicality and reasoning. Anything logical fits into this category and anything that requires reasoning also fits here. Logic and Reasoning are one of the most important features to a human being.

Book-Smart is very different. Book smart is the ability of memorization and retaining the memory. It is the smartness of knowledge. Humans are unique that they want to know everything, they are curious. As a result of their curiosity, they create systems of storage outside the human brain. Because most people are capable of only holding a limited amount of knowledge, we store the knowledge elsewhere which can then be learned later on or by another human. 

Having both of these characteristics is something everyone wants, however the problem with having one word to envelop both of these definitions is the problem. In school, you may have been called smart once, but for what reason? Was it because your reasoning in a situation was excellent, or was it because of your ability to bring something you knew to the table that no one else knew? School systems praise Knowledge but shut down Logic and Reasoning. It's good to be strong in one, but you must also be strong in the other. While many school are noticing that Logic and Reasoning is required, the majority of school systems still lack Logic and Reasoning. Our grades in school are completely dependent on Knowledge. That's why some people are considered smart while they may have bad grades. To bring back what I mentioned before, I said, "In truth one of these is not actually smart, it is skill." Which one do you think is skill, and which one is smart? 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The 7 Necessary Sins

Lust can be defined as the intense desire. This intense desire is something that is classified as a sin, however this isn't what people should really be like. Without a desire, we would all fall into confusion and despair. The one thing that we should all have a desire for would be a goal. Without a goal in life we are not really living. Not having a desire would actually be a sin.

While Gluttony is primary concerned with food consumption, it is commonly used to refer to selfishness. No one can deny the fact that everyone is selfish. This is a fact. Here is what people get wrong, being selfish isn't bad. Everyone is selfish because we are all human. Selfishness is something necessary for survival. If we were placed on an abandoned island with seven people, and a single slice of pizza, we need to be selfish or we would die. Regardless if we are selfish or not the majority of the group is guaranteed to instinctively go for that slice of pizza and eat it themselves. This is an excessive amount of selfishness, but it's not good to have no selfishness either.  

Greed is the desire of material possessions. As children we have the idea that we shouldn't be greedy drilled into our heads. No matter what society you belong to, this idea will always be in your head. Whether you follow it or not is a different story. The idea is a global one that needs to be there or else society will not function. Although having no desire for material possessions is completely out of the question. We humans reside in a physical world of three dimensions. To survive we must use all that we can in the three dimensions given to us to survive. If we choose to ignore the physical world, our life would come crashing down and we would probably die. Everyone needs shelter and consumables. These are physical desires that everyone must learn that they need to have. We humans reside in a physical realm and until the day we ascend and remove ourselves from our physical restraints, we will need greed.

This is the sin of laziness, one of the hardest to understand why we need it. There is a difference between lazy and relaxed. Relaxed is taking a break from work, while laziness is not having work to do and not doing work. Relaxation is always important, but laziness is something that everyone sees as bad. The reason people see this as bad is because a lazy person doesn't have a goal and without a goal, they won't know what to do. Being lazy all the time is in every situation bad, no one likes a lazy person and no one likes someone that seeks to be lazy, however, there is a situation where you need to be lazy. You should be lazy once in your life. When you become lazy you will see how relaxing it is but you will soon realize how no work is being accomplished, at this point you need to break your laziness and pop back into work. If you can accomplish this shift back into work and not fail, you will never want to be lazy again and it will be hard to be lazy.

Wraith is anger. Anger is an expression of emotion. Emotions are very important. Emotional expression is important for social communication. Side Note: I have emotions, I just don't express them (I'm working on it).

Envy is the want to be someone else other than you. While logic tells us that we should be ourselves and be unique, what are the odds of being perfectly unique. To start we are all human and the chance that we are one in seven billion, is pretty low. Basing yourself of someone is the best thing to do. You must begin by envying that person and building yourself like them, at a certain point it will be impossible to mimic them exactly. This is the point where you must diverge and create your own life. This is the path to a successful life. The people that come before you come for a reason. They are there to teach you what to do since they have already walked that path. If they can successfully transfer their wisdom to you, you will surpass them and become successful.

How can you succeed in business without pride in what you do? If you lack pride in what you do, you won't be confident in anything you do. As an artist, one will realize that without pride or acknowledgement of one's own skill, you will fail to succeed no matter what. However, there is always a specific amount of pride you can hold. If you hold too much you can hurt others, but if you hold too little you can also hurt others. Every individual must be aware of oneself, if not those who watch them think fools of themselves. Some don't realize that others can take pain because they have no pride in themselves. As a result, others take deep pain in themselves, thinking that they are even worse because the other person doesn't acknowledge their own success. If one can't even catch up to someone working at mediocre level, how can that person possible bridge the gap between an expert.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Anonymous Heroism

The definition of a hero is someone admired for their achievements or favorable qualities. A hero is a public figure. The heroes we praise in our society are people that have done something good and upon further examination, they have favorable qualities. Then this person becomes a hero. What people don't understand is that heroes live for that major achievement in their lives, such as rescuing the princess or saving someone from a burning house. These major achievements bring them fame and as a result, they become heroes. Once this achievements is accomplished, the hero does not need to do anymore. They have finished. People always say they want to become heroes but is that really what they want? Being a hero is not the only way to do good. There are those who strive for the benefit of others but never request anything back. These people do good but are anonymous. They do small things to help others and they live their lives satisfied. Not being noticed doesn't mean an unsuccessful life. As long as you are pleased with yourself, you can live a successful life.