Now I could be mean and simply say that you are traveling through time right now, just at was is considered the "normal pace." However, that is boring. The time travel that I will refer to is the concept of traveling back and forward in time.
Lesson 1: Time is relative, it speeds up, slows down, all based on how an entity perceives it. Time can be going by fast for you but slow for another. If you want more information look for Einstein's Theory of Relativity.
Lesson 2: Relative time comes in 2 forms. The first form refers to the manipulation of the "fabric of space-time." For organization purpose I will call this form "Gravitational Form." The second form covers time travel when you do not manipulate the "fabric of space-time" instead you alter another property. I will call this "Relative Form."
Currently both forms of time travel exist in our universe. The easiest to explain being "Gravitational Form." By now most of know about the fact that gravity will alter your perception of time. The more gravity there is, the more the "fabric of space-time" is warped causing time to slow down in that area of space. Time on Jupiter is slower than time here. This form is relatively simple, while this may not be considered time travel that people want, it's a way to travel forward in time. If you place yourself inside a large source of gravity, you could suspend yourself so that no time goes by for you while hundreds of years pass for others. The only problem with this is the fact that you would need to be able to stay alive inside this source of gravity.
The second form takes on different types and is completely based on relativity without gravity. The first and most famous form of time travel with this method is the concept of cryogenic stasis. In this form you also travel forward in time. Your bodily existence is slowed while frozen and when you unfreeze, you end up later in time and can return to living in a body. This form of time travel also allows you to travel forward in time.
So far both these are valid methods for traveling through time, however traveling back in time is territory that has not been stepped on yet. If take one theory for time travel, we can break it down and try to figure out how it works. If we take it from Doctor Who where, “People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff.” As absurd sounding as it is, it's a valid theory that has been supported. In our current time frame we view time as linear, where there is the past, present, and future existing at the same time. This is where Doctor Who fails to abide strictly by these rules. If this state of time exists, that means that time is solid and unwavering, no matter what you do, everything is predetermined. If this theory works, time travel will work but you won't be able to effect anything. If you imagine time to be a sphere, the present is a point inside the sphere, and the point is constantly moving. That is how the perception of time works, however, all of time exists together as an entity with no end and no beginning. Therefore your perception isn't actually moving, it's staying still, as you progress through time to the future, you are moving from point to point, the point is not moving along with you. It only seems that the point is moving because we as humans can only perceive the present and the present is constantly changing. Another way that this theory would work with time travel would be if there were multiple balls of time-y wimey stuff. That would mean that perception can only move from point to point "forward" while attempting to move backward would put you into another sphere elsewhere. That would mean that you being back in time was already preset in that sphere. Once you finish messing up the past in that sphere you would jump to the future and claim that you change time. The problem is that moving forward in time will not bring you to your original sphere, it will bring you to a later point in the sphere you are currently in. In the perspective of the time traveler, he/she remembers the old sphere as the original time frame, now that a new time-frame and he realizes it's different, he/she will claim that he/she has altered time. In reality he/she has only jumped bubbles.
If we take this example of how time works, lets figure out how to travel back and forth in time. Traveling forward in time doesn't appear to be a problem. The act of traveling forward in time is the act of moving the consciousness of the person to another point that is "apparently linear" in progression. In the physical world it would appear that the person is frozen in time only to be released later. If this is the case, time travel forward in time would require a physical space to be available in both the release time and the end time. While the space is not required in between these two times, it's much safer to have it since recreating the space would be much more of a hassle than maintaining the space.
Now we can tackle the concept of going back in time. In every science fiction film the process of going back in time would require a machine of sorts. It's safe to assume that a physical entity will be required at the start of the "jump" and will be needed at the destination. While the start and the end are in different spheres, the physical transport is still required. Although this process would probably take a lot of energy. Because of this massive requirement of energy, we have not been able to create methods to get back in time.
If all of this is true there are a couple of laws for time travel under this theory
1. Traveling forward in time requires a physical space and low energy.
2. Traveling back in time requires a physical capsule and high energy.
3. Traveling forward in time will keep you in the same bubble.
4. Traveling back in time will move you to a different bubble.
5. The bubbles are made with an "apparently linear" form.
6. Bubbles are not changeable.
Note: This is a theory. It probably has a lot of holes considering I made it up just now.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Monday, February 10, 2014
Vocaloid vs. Natural Voice
Vocaloid: a singing synthesizer application software developed by the
Yamaha Corporation.
In other words, a vocaloid is a program that synthetically creates a voice that is capable of changing volume, pitch, and articulation.
The first thing that people say when they hear about vocaloids is, why bother having them? Why is there a need for songs made from synthetic voices when you can simply have real people sing them with natural voices. Almost everyone that is new to the idea of vocaloids asks this question first, and it's a valid question. It is true that the majority of people would agree that listening to a natural voice is much better than a synthetically produced one.
The reason that this question is asked is because we are still only used to the American system of music where big companies make music and those songs become popular nationwide and everyone loves them, this is different in Japan. In Japan, there is a site that is called niconico(To use niconico, you need to create an account). It acts very similar to YouTube as people can create videos and post them for everyone to see. The only big difference here is that niconico has an extremely large section dedicated to music and not just music from big companies but also from budding composers and singers all over the country(Japan). The vocaloid program is made so that people can create songs without any talent in singing, they only have to know how to make music and they can give their own songs lyrics without having to sing it themselves. That is the true purpose of the vocaloid program. It is all about letting individuals all around Japan show off what they have and that they can make music. Once someone makes a song they can post it to niconico and hope that their song rises in popularity and reaches top ranks on the site. If they do, it will be easier for bigger companies to realize this persons work and hire them on a job or cooperate with them to create a song.
(From this point on I will have alternative links that link to the niconico website in case you do have an account and would like to access the original work.)
Vocaloids come in all shapes and sizes, they also come in all forms and types of voices. One of the most popular vocaloid being Hatsune Miku. Her most popular song SenbonZakura(NicoNico) was created by someone called Kura Usa(黒うさ). Kura Usa started off as a typical user on niconico posting songs that he created until he made SenbonZakura, where it went down in history as one of the best songs out there. The next most popular vocaloid is actually a pair. Kagamine Len and Kagamine Rin are brother and sister, Rin being the sister. They were released at the same time in the same program. Usually they do solos for songs even though they are sold in the same package. One of the more popular Rin songs is called Lost One's Weeping(NicoNico.) One of the more popular Len songs is Servant of Evil(NicoNico.) The next on this list would be GUMI with one of her biggest songs being Donut Hole(NicoNico.) After this point it's debatable but IA is usually the next one up with Six Trillion Years and Overnight Story(NicoNico.) The thing to remember about all theses songs is that they are made by individuals or small groups of people. These are all people who have gained a lot of popularity via niconico.
Don't get the wrong impression that all songs in Japan are made with vocaloids. People in Japan will also agree that normal vocals are a lot better. If you have talent and you can sing, you end up being a Utaite. A Utaite is someone who covers songs. People do covers of famous songs that are sung by vocaloid and they get famous when people like them. Some popular Utaites include Soraru, Kradness, 96Neko, Reol(Note: I could not find a YouTube link for this one sorry.) There are various Utaites that have obtained official jobs by becoming famous on niconico, one of these is Yanagi Nagi who has started creating her own original songs. Another famous Utaite is Nano known for incorporating English into her songs.
Vocaloids miss out on the passion that a human voice. The thing that they do right is that it helps people open up to music without needing the ability to sing.
The human voice is something that cannot be truly recreated, no matter how much one tries to recreate it, the passion that it possesses when it sings is something that no one can come to. If you take a comparison of two of the same songs that one a vocaloid sings, while in the other a human sings, you will notice a big difference.
In Japan vocaloids and humans are both valued at the same level, if you still are having trouble grasping the concept of vocaloid, the best way to think of it is that a vocaloid is an instrument. While if you are a budding composer and want to use vocaloid, they do sell English vocaloid, the only problem is that to use a vocaloid, you first need to buy a base program in which you can run the vocaloid algorithm. This base program costs around $110, then you need to buy the actual vocaloid you want. For example the Japanese version of Hatsune Miku(V2) would cost around $164. Then after that you would need the ability to record instruments and play instruments.
As time goes on new vocaloids will keep releasing, the next one to release releases on February, 14th 2014. Her name is Kokone.
Sample Kokone Song
Below is a list of vocaloid songs (With their singer) that are some of my favorites. There are plenty more vocaloids out there, it's just that these are big ones.
(Hatsune Miku) Mono Poisoner
(Hatsune Miku) ODDS & ENDS
(Hatsune Miku) Star Story
(Hatsune Miku) Black Board
(Hatsune Miku) Online Gaming Addicts Sprechchor
(Hatsune Miku) Kagerou Days
(Hatsune Miku) A Solution for Jealousuy -Another Story-
(Megurine Luka) Just be Friends
(IA) Six Trillion Years and Overnight Story
(IA) Imagination Forest
(IA) Otsukimi Recital
(IA) Kisaragi Attention
(IA) Ayano's Theory of Happiness
(Kagamine Rin) Lost One's Weeping
(Kagamine Rin) Idola Circus
(Kagamine Len) Embarrassment-Hiding Adolescence
(GUMI) A Solution for Jealousy
(GUMI) Confession Rehearsal
(GUMI) Diagnosis: Love-sickness
(Lily) WAVE
(Lily) START
(Lily) -ERROR
Note to those that know about vocaloids, I'm neglecting a lot of big ones.
I guess you can get to know me a bit more from this.
In other words, a vocaloid is a program that synthetically creates a voice that is capable of changing volume, pitch, and articulation.
The first thing that people say when they hear about vocaloids is, why bother having them? Why is there a need for songs made from synthetic voices when you can simply have real people sing them with natural voices. Almost everyone that is new to the idea of vocaloids asks this question first, and it's a valid question. It is true that the majority of people would agree that listening to a natural voice is much better than a synthetically produced one.
The reason that this question is asked is because we are still only used to the American system of music where big companies make music and those songs become popular nationwide and everyone loves them, this is different in Japan. In Japan, there is a site that is called niconico(To use niconico, you need to create an account). It acts very similar to YouTube as people can create videos and post them for everyone to see. The only big difference here is that niconico has an extremely large section dedicated to music and not just music from big companies but also from budding composers and singers all over the country(Japan). The vocaloid program is made so that people can create songs without any talent in singing, they only have to know how to make music and they can give their own songs lyrics without having to sing it themselves. That is the true purpose of the vocaloid program. It is all about letting individuals all around Japan show off what they have and that they can make music. Once someone makes a song they can post it to niconico and hope that their song rises in popularity and reaches top ranks on the site. If they do, it will be easier for bigger companies to realize this persons work and hire them on a job or cooperate with them to create a song.
(From this point on I will have alternative links that link to the niconico website in case you do have an account and would like to access the original work.)
Vocaloids come in all shapes and sizes, they also come in all forms and types of voices. One of the most popular vocaloid being Hatsune Miku. Her most popular song SenbonZakura(NicoNico) was created by someone called Kura Usa(黒うさ). Kura Usa started off as a typical user on niconico posting songs that he created until he made SenbonZakura, where it went down in history as one of the best songs out there. The next most popular vocaloid is actually a pair. Kagamine Len and Kagamine Rin are brother and sister, Rin being the sister. They were released at the same time in the same program. Usually they do solos for songs even though they are sold in the same package. One of the more popular Rin songs is called Lost One's Weeping(NicoNico.) One of the more popular Len songs is Servant of Evil(NicoNico.) The next on this list would be GUMI with one of her biggest songs being Donut Hole(NicoNico.) After this point it's debatable but IA is usually the next one up with Six Trillion Years and Overnight Story(NicoNico.) The thing to remember about all theses songs is that they are made by individuals or small groups of people. These are all people who have gained a lot of popularity via niconico.
Don't get the wrong impression that all songs in Japan are made with vocaloids. People in Japan will also agree that normal vocals are a lot better. If you have talent and you can sing, you end up being a Utaite. A Utaite is someone who covers songs. People do covers of famous songs that are sung by vocaloid and they get famous when people like them. Some popular Utaites include Soraru, Kradness, 96Neko, Reol(Note: I could not find a YouTube link for this one sorry.) There are various Utaites that have obtained official jobs by becoming famous on niconico, one of these is Yanagi Nagi who has started creating her own original songs. Another famous Utaite is Nano known for incorporating English into her songs.
Vocaloids miss out on the passion that a human voice. The thing that they do right is that it helps people open up to music without needing the ability to sing.
The human voice is something that cannot be truly recreated, no matter how much one tries to recreate it, the passion that it possesses when it sings is something that no one can come to. If you take a comparison of two of the same songs that one a vocaloid sings, while in the other a human sings, you will notice a big difference.
In Japan vocaloids and humans are both valued at the same level, if you still are having trouble grasping the concept of vocaloid, the best way to think of it is that a vocaloid is an instrument. While if you are a budding composer and want to use vocaloid, they do sell English vocaloid, the only problem is that to use a vocaloid, you first need to buy a base program in which you can run the vocaloid algorithm. This base program costs around $110, then you need to buy the actual vocaloid you want. For example the Japanese version of Hatsune Miku(V2) would cost around $164. Then after that you would need the ability to record instruments and play instruments.
As time goes on new vocaloids will keep releasing, the next one to release releases on February, 14th 2014. Her name is Kokone.
Sample Kokone Song
Below is a list of vocaloid songs (With their singer) that are some of my favorites. There are plenty more vocaloids out there, it's just that these are big ones.
(Hatsune Miku) Mono Poisoner
(Hatsune Miku) ODDS & ENDS
(Hatsune Miku) Star Story
(Hatsune Miku) Black Board
(Hatsune Miku) Online Gaming Addicts Sprechchor
(Hatsune Miku) Kagerou Days
(Hatsune Miku) A Solution for Jealousuy -Another Story-
(Megurine Luka) Just be Friends
(IA) Six Trillion Years and Overnight Story
(IA) Imagination Forest
(IA) Otsukimi Recital
(IA) Kisaragi Attention
(IA) Ayano's Theory of Happiness
(Kagamine Rin) Lost One's Weeping
(Kagamine Rin) Idola Circus
(Kagamine Len) Embarrassment-Hiding Adolescence
(GUMI) A Solution for Jealousy
(GUMI) Confession Rehearsal
(GUMI) Diagnosis: Love-sickness
(Lily) WAVE
(Lily) START
(Lily) -ERROR
Note to those that know about vocaloids, I'm neglecting a lot of big ones.
I guess you can get to know me a bit more from this.
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