In all honesty this is a serious post. This has been an issue since around the beginning of the school year that I've never run into before. If anyone can spare some time to read and post a reply that will help a lot. To make it short, I'm asking for advice of what I should do. Normally I don't ask for advice but, I have to, I can't take it anymore. This is what's wrong:
Recently, I've run into a unique issue. I don't exist in the life of a certain person. It irritates me too much and I can't stand it anymore. I'll refer to this person as 'Person A'. Apparently I don't exist in the eyes of Person A. This isn't a simple issue of they acknowledge my existence but choose to neglect it. That scenario is where people don't talk to you normally but will cooperate when forced to. This situation is different. Person A will not talk under any circumstances unless forced to. When they need to, it's only for the necessary amount of time. There is no awkward silence after, simply a disregard for my existence. Person A will stop the conversation abruptly and stare off into the distance. In a more normal scenario, Person A has almost never looked at me or made eye contact with me. It seems as if the only time they do it is when it was an accident and they were staring off into the distance, and I happen to be there. They have managed to have conversations through me to another person and still manage not to make eye contact. Maybe I'm just being paranoid but to be completely honest, I want to be their friend. As far as I have observed, I'm the only person that Person A disregards.
I've come to the conclusion that I don't know what to do and that I need help, so please leave a comment on what I should do considering my lack of experience in this situation.
Come talk to me about this tomorrow.