Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Fear in ______

There are things we like and things we don't like. One of the things we like is acknowledgement. No matter who we are, even if you're the most selfless person on Earth, there is always a part of you that wants to be acknowledged for something. On the counterbalance of acknowledgement is rejection.

Rejection is one of the biggest fears that people have. It's what drives people off the edge and is the number one producer of fear. While people have a fear of other things namely death, there are countless situations where people's fears of rejection overpower their fear of death. This fear of rejection is the leading force that drives people to stop trying to do something. This will result in failed projects no outcome.

Fear of failure is something that everyone runs into and it's the thing that keeps us back. It's been a running trend of mine to create massive amounts of projects to do. More in the sense of quantity over quality so that I can get over my fear of failure. Typically the problem I run into is the sense of this gets boring or there is simply too much work. That results in a dropped project and unfinished work. The amount of unfinished and dropped projects I have is something that strikes me as remarkable. This leaves ideas floating around that tend to congregate and form into new ideas. When I start working on new art forms it always shocks me how much I'm afraid of messing up. This is something I've noticed recently when I start drawing. I know where I fail and it discourages me from trying because I know it will end up bad. At the same time I know I need to keep doing it or I won't improve.

As a system to combat this problem I tend to do everything I'm confident in first and then leave that part untouched until the end. I will use a reference image and copy it. I do this multiple times over an extended period. I don't like to do it in a short period because of discouragement, However there is one thing that art has really taught me. It's that to achieve something one must be confident. When you draw a line you want a solid and smooth looking line, that requires confidence and determination. While I still like to use scratchy lines I'm been using more solid lines and finishing most of my drawings. I'm also started trying to draw in pen to improve my confidence in my lines. There are times when I realize that I should stop worrying about whether it's good or not and just to get it done.

Nothing was ever achieved with fear. Fear only holds us back from achievements and nothing is finished or done when fear is present. When a dictator takes hold of a country, he rules with fear. Fear so that no one does anything, so that he is the only one with confidence and he leads his country. While fear is necessary for the survival of a person, it's something that we need to overcome to be able to succeed in life.

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