Monday, October 7, 2013

Tech over Flesh

Remote Controlled Dogs

Well, this might be an improvement but it is probably an extremely controversial topic of moving away from flesh and going to technology. We've already become a technologically dependent race, I'm sure you've seen all the movies about how once technology is taken away from us, we become savages. Revert to our primal states. Though with remote controlled dogs I don't see the point in this, can't we just make robots that do this for us? They would be much more responsive to controls and would also be much more accurate than the dog's sense of smell. Maybe I'm thinking too far ahead in the future, I'm sure robots will replace dogs one day.


  1. You should also take look at the "wearable technology" like new mood sweaters and music players that "match your tunes to your heartbeat".....

  2. Oh, no. No. No. NO.
    I'm that guy who finds this controversial, so I apologize in advance if I start to rant. Long story short; I'm a dog person. In addition, I found this article on The New York Times website in the last week:

    I can't make it a link, so I'll sum it up: basically, dogs have a level of consciousness equal to that of children (hence the title, "Dogs Are People, Too"). Dogs have human emotions and commit altruistic (selfless) acts. A police dog will jump in front of an officer without any concern about what happens to it. The dog doesn't care if the guy he's saving the officer from is armed with a rolled up newspaper or an assault rifle. So, you know what would be a great idea? Taking away that dog's sense of self, and turning control over to a species with slower reflexes, which, in turn, has to transmit a command to act through an electrical impulse or some other equally slow technological crap, delaying it even more! I don't know what the genius who came up with this idea was on, but whatever it is, Lindsay Lohan wants twenty! Oh, and with the high noise level, the dogs won't be able to hear, so they need remote controls, Brian! Oh, sorry, how stupid of me! It's not like dogs have hearing that's FOUR TIMES BETTER THAN OURS IS, YOU IDIOTS. Why don't we start mind-controlling our kids while we're at it?

    Sorry, Darren. I flew off the handle a bit there. (Maybe it was more than a bit; I initially typed down less appropriate language.) I just think that the people who came up with this idea were not thinking straight. Granted, it's certainly interesting, but they weren't using their heads. This could not possibly be more pointless. When it comes to loyalty, I'd take a dog over a guy with a remote control any day of the week. And if some guy tries to plant a remote control device in my future dog's head some time in the future, I'll beat the living daylights out of him, because I know my dog would do the same for me.
