I'm the kind of person that likes to be busy, and when that comes around you would expect me to like to do new things. This is true however I still suffer from not doing things, namely things I don't like to do. An example of such a thing would be the paper I have due next Wednesday. So I will break down what I do to not do something.
Step 1: Do research. I end up doing a lot of research to no particular gain when I could have actually started the project. This is actually quite low on my part to be honest. I don't actually do too much research because sometimes, depending on the situation, I find that doing research simply equates to starting the project.
Step 2: Social Media. I think everyone goes through this at some time where you end up checking to see if you're up to date on everything and I go through a rotation of the various sites to end up on the first one again and check it for any updates. At a certain point I will continue rotating through sites even though I know there is going to be nothing new. At this point I move to the next step
Step 3: Start a new Project? This is something that I do that I'm not sure a lot of people do. Because I like to be busy I love starting new projects. Every project has a goal of improving something about myself. A written project would challenge my writing skills and narrative skills. You may be thinking is this really a way of procrastinating? Yes, most of these projects become unfinished and only end up being time wasters. The only thing is that I never delete any of them so that perhaps someday they will come back and be useful. I tend to start working on one or another to avoid doing something else like my paper. Do I try to stop myself from doing this project? No because by doing this project I don't have to do my other one. If I didn't have any projects to work on I would be very bored and maybe I would end up doing my paper. On the other hand I might revert back to steps 1 & 2.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
On the topic of fear, this song had something along the lines of overcoming so I decided to share it.
By: Neru
Singer: Kagamine Rin (鏡音リン)
Fear in ______
There are things we like and things we don't like. One of the things we like is acknowledgement. No matter who we are, even if you're the most selfless person on Earth, there is always a part of you that wants to be acknowledged for something. On the counterbalance of acknowledgement is rejection.
Rejection is one of the biggest fears that people have. It's what drives people off the edge and is the number one producer of fear. While people have a fear of other things namely death, there are countless situations where people's fears of rejection overpower their fear of death. This fear of rejection is the leading force that drives people to stop trying to do something. This will result in failed projects no outcome.
Fear of failure is something that everyone runs into and it's the thing that keeps us back. It's been a running trend of mine to create massive amounts of projects to do. More in the sense of quantity over quality so that I can get over my fear of failure. Typically the problem I run into is the sense of this gets boring or there is simply too much work. That results in a dropped project and unfinished work. The amount of unfinished and dropped projects I have is something that strikes me as remarkable. This leaves ideas floating around that tend to congregate and form into new ideas. When I start working on new art forms it always shocks me how much I'm afraid of messing up. This is something I've noticed recently when I start drawing. I know where I fail and it discourages me from trying because I know it will end up bad. At the same time I know I need to keep doing it or I won't improve.
As a system to combat this problem I tend to do everything I'm confident in first and then leave that part untouched until the end. I will use a reference image and copy it. I do this multiple times over an extended period. I don't like to do it in a short period because of discouragement, However there is one thing that art has really taught me. It's that to achieve something one must be confident. When you draw a line you want a solid and smooth looking line, that requires confidence and determination. While I still like to use scratchy lines I'm been using more solid lines and finishing most of my drawings. I'm also started trying to draw in pen to improve my confidence in my lines. There are times when I realize that I should stop worrying about whether it's good or not and just to get it done.
Nothing was ever achieved with fear. Fear only holds us back from achievements and nothing is finished or done when fear is present. When a dictator takes hold of a country, he rules with fear. Fear so that no one does anything, so that he is the only one with confidence and he leads his country. While fear is necessary for the survival of a person, it's something that we need to overcome to be able to succeed in life.
Rejection is one of the biggest fears that people have. It's what drives people off the edge and is the number one producer of fear. While people have a fear of other things namely death, there are countless situations where people's fears of rejection overpower their fear of death. This fear of rejection is the leading force that drives people to stop trying to do something. This will result in failed projects no outcome.
Fear of failure is something that everyone runs into and it's the thing that keeps us back. It's been a running trend of mine to create massive amounts of projects to do. More in the sense of quantity over quality so that I can get over my fear of failure. Typically the problem I run into is the sense of this gets boring or there is simply too much work. That results in a dropped project and unfinished work. The amount of unfinished and dropped projects I have is something that strikes me as remarkable. This leaves ideas floating around that tend to congregate and form into new ideas. When I start working on new art forms it always shocks me how much I'm afraid of messing up. This is something I've noticed recently when I start drawing. I know where I fail and it discourages me from trying because I know it will end up bad. At the same time I know I need to keep doing it or I won't improve.
As a system to combat this problem I tend to do everything I'm confident in first and then leave that part untouched until the end. I will use a reference image and copy it. I do this multiple times over an extended period. I don't like to do it in a short period because of discouragement, However there is one thing that art has really taught me. It's that to achieve something one must be confident. When you draw a line you want a solid and smooth looking line, that requires confidence and determination. While I still like to use scratchy lines I'm been using more solid lines and finishing most of my drawings. I'm also started trying to draw in pen to improve my confidence in my lines. There are times when I realize that I should stop worrying about whether it's good or not and just to get it done.
Nothing was ever achieved with fear. Fear only holds us back from achievements and nothing is finished or done when fear is present. When a dictator takes hold of a country, he rules with fear. Fear so that no one does anything, so that he is the only one with confidence and he leads his country. While fear is necessary for the survival of a person, it's something that we need to overcome to be able to succeed in life.
Monday, October 20, 2014
How to be Good at Something
There are only a couple of steps that one needs to follow to be good at something. First we need to discuss the basics principles of Talent vs. Skill. Talent is the amount of skill that you are naturally born with. This is usually directed at one type of skill for example, drawing, writing, memorizing. Skill is the ability that one possess toward a specific action. Usually resulting in reduced time it takes to perform said action and improved quality of the finished product.
Repetition is the first step to getting better at something. This applies to everything. It will increase your skill in anything guaranteed. The only variable that changes from person to person would be the amount of repetition needed to increase your skill a set amount.
The next step is Research. This one is more vague and isn't needed but is going to increase your skill much faster than you would expect possible. There is no point discovering something if someone has already discovered it already. What I mean by that is that if someone has discovered the cure to breast cancer, is there really any point to discovering the cure from scratch again? You build off what people have discovered to go beyond what they had. Einstein didn't create the theory of relativity so that others could discover it too. He made it so people can learn from it and go beyond quantum physics. This is not advocating that you don't review what others had learned. The point of research is to understand what has been discovered. When the foundations are set can you build upward.
In any kid of pursuit there is a fine balance of Humility and Narcissism. If you had no Narcissism there would be no way that you can even pursue something. You need to acknowledge that you are capable of achieving what others had achieved and go beyond that. You need to realized that you can improve no matter how good you are. While some think that there is a limit, it's only a temporary limit set by time. As time goes on society changes and standards will shift. Being able to shift with those will prove your skill to be superior. Too much Narcissism and you will reach a plateau during your improvement and stop because you think you have mastered it. To the egocentric eye it will seem that you have reached the ceiling and can't go beyond it, however isn't there always a sky above the ceiling? Dream for the sky not the ceiling.
Lastly is Passion. Some people think I can do everything, however exaggerated that my be. To regard this I decided to analyze what makes me different, and this is where I think I'm different. You need to like what you are doing. To everyone there's a number of things that one would hate and not like however when you are pursuing something you need to like it, or better yet love it. When you don't want to pursue something you won't be motivated to do better in it. Another title for this section would be motivation. A mixture of Passion and motivation is really what I'm poking at here. You don't have to like everything to succeed. In this world you only need one ability that you are good at and it can be something you have talent in or something you simply accumulated enough skill in.
Everyone wants to be good at something. To be a successful human in society it means you need to accomplish something by being good at something. To reiterate, a person needs Repetition, Research, Humility and Narcissism, and Passion.
Repetition is the first step to getting better at something. This applies to everything. It will increase your skill in anything guaranteed. The only variable that changes from person to person would be the amount of repetition needed to increase your skill a set amount.
The next step is Research. This one is more vague and isn't needed but is going to increase your skill much faster than you would expect possible. There is no point discovering something if someone has already discovered it already. What I mean by that is that if someone has discovered the cure to breast cancer, is there really any point to discovering the cure from scratch again? You build off what people have discovered to go beyond what they had. Einstein didn't create the theory of relativity so that others could discover it too. He made it so people can learn from it and go beyond quantum physics. This is not advocating that you don't review what others had learned. The point of research is to understand what has been discovered. When the foundations are set can you build upward.
In any kid of pursuit there is a fine balance of Humility and Narcissism. If you had no Narcissism there would be no way that you can even pursue something. You need to acknowledge that you are capable of achieving what others had achieved and go beyond that. You need to realized that you can improve no matter how good you are. While some think that there is a limit, it's only a temporary limit set by time. As time goes on society changes and standards will shift. Being able to shift with those will prove your skill to be superior. Too much Narcissism and you will reach a plateau during your improvement and stop because you think you have mastered it. To the egocentric eye it will seem that you have reached the ceiling and can't go beyond it, however isn't there always a sky above the ceiling? Dream for the sky not the ceiling.
Lastly is Passion. Some people think I can do everything, however exaggerated that my be. To regard this I decided to analyze what makes me different, and this is where I think I'm different. You need to like what you are doing. To everyone there's a number of things that one would hate and not like however when you are pursuing something you need to like it, or better yet love it. When you don't want to pursue something you won't be motivated to do better in it. Another title for this section would be motivation. A mixture of Passion and motivation is really what I'm poking at here. You don't have to like everything to succeed. In this world you only need one ability that you are good at and it can be something you have talent in or something you simply accumulated enough skill in.
Everyone wants to be good at something. To be a successful human in society it means you need to accomplish something by being good at something. To reiterate, a person needs Repetition, Research, Humility and Narcissism, and Passion.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Learning Experience
I bought a graphics tablet and spent the last day getting used to it.
I friend recommended I learn to get used to it by copying a picture. So I did.
I used a reference image my friend gave me:
Drew a sketch:
Figured out how to outline it:

Made a final Product:
Time to do other stuff with the tablet.
I friend recommended I learn to get used to it by copying a picture. So I did.
I used a reference image my friend gave me:
Drew a sketch:
Figured out how to outline it:

Made a final Product:
Time to do other stuff with the tablet.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Website Design
I haven't directly pursued designing a website yet before in my life and I hope this project will prove to be some sort of major insight onto the design and concept behind a website. Today we got done some work, more specifically we planned out exactly what were the "Use Cases" or goals of the website and gave them names that we can use for tabs on the Website, we also debated a lot about the overall design plan and layout of the website. We came up with a basic outline and have a general idea of what we could do in the future but we are more focused on the current iteration. While it was a slow day, we deliberated for a long time because we couldn't figure out what we could and couldn't do yet, in other words practical.
The Accidental Masterpiece
Kimmelman manipulates his words in such a way that is profound to me. There is something there that I really want to learn from. I can already tell that reading this book will be very fun and beneficial. They way he describes the various stories gives is a very relaxed sense of colloquial conversation yet it provides an insight into his intelligence. What really surprised me about his style of writing was that he was trying to convey difficult content, yet it proved not to be a challenge to understand. As an introduction to his book he doesn't directly mention the book but instead leads us in with his expert usage of cliffhangers and easy to understand taboo concepts.
Friday, June 6, 2014
"Slow Motion"
Why am I posting this? I don't know why, but why not. I like it; it's optimistically depressing.
By: ピノキオピー
Sung By: Hatsune Miku
By: ピノキオピー
Sung By: Hatsune Miku
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Page 1 of I don't know how many
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Fear is the feeling we get that counters success. Many people accuse fear of being the determent to our success, however fear is a very vital part of our society. Fear is the emotion, while the cause of fear is always anticipated failure. In any situation there is something we hope to accomplish, a goal. To balance this out we have a failure so that the goal becomes visible. Without failure the goal would be invisible and would simply seem like a a step forward but not a step up. Fear pushes us to reach for the goal. We see the possible failure and we don't want to go there, instead we go up. However if there is too much fear it could prevent us from even going forward, we might even end up avoiding the choice. Fear is a fear of failure. If we fear failure too much, we begin to fear the choice.
What we need to do is to overcome this fear. Once we overcome the fear of failure, everything will be guarantied to be better. With all that failure juxtaposing the goal, it will make the goal seem even better when it is fulfilled. If you do fail, you will remember it. And the purpose of memory is for us to learn from. We learn from what we have done wrong to improve ourselves if we ever face a similar encounter again. That is wisdom; wisdom is how to improve ourselves. Wisdom is the key to getting past fear. Even if you don't have enough wisdom, just take the extra step and get wisdom whether you fail or not.
Take for example, confessing your love. The fear is the fear of rejection, the wisdom will be all your past experiences with that person and with love in general, the failure is getting rejected, and the success is him/her saying yes. Everything can be boiled down to example and can be analyzed but if you don't act, there is no point in analyzing it.
What we need to do is to overcome this fear. Once we overcome the fear of failure, everything will be guarantied to be better. With all that failure juxtaposing the goal, it will make the goal seem even better when it is fulfilled. If you do fail, you will remember it. And the purpose of memory is for us to learn from. We learn from what we have done wrong to improve ourselves if we ever face a similar encounter again. That is wisdom; wisdom is how to improve ourselves. Wisdom is the key to getting past fear. Even if you don't have enough wisdom, just take the extra step and get wisdom whether you fail or not.
Take for example, confessing your love. The fear is the fear of rejection, the wisdom will be all your past experiences with that person and with love in general, the failure is getting rejected, and the success is him/her saying yes. Everything can be boiled down to example and can be analyzed but if you don't act, there is no point in analyzing it.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Stress Week
With AP's coming to a close, I'll finally be able to get back on track with what ever I've been working on. Regarding my most of my projects, I've managed to get some sporadic writing in ever so often. Specifically I've gotten 16 pages planned out while I have an idea on what to do with the rest of the pages. For all this work I'm going to need to train in drawing, which is exactly what I've been doing with a new 365 that I've accidentally stumbled into where I draw a picture each day. Each picture takes roughly an hour to complete, and if I rush it takes 30 minutes. This will hopefully teach me how to draw better. I hope to get a lot of writing done in the next week and maybe get all the pages planned out for the entire thing. which will span some 30 pages maybe.
-- "This is the best future"
-- "This is the best future"
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
In STAC I have to make a project, a graphic novel. I've decided on a plot and I've started mapping out pages. At the moment it looks very much like a Japanese manga but read left to right instead of right to left. My planning has been going well and it is actually much more fun than I expected. From what I have started doing, everything that the main character thinks will be box less, talking will be in speech bubbles and boxes will contain visuals. Sound effects will be inside the visual boxes without anything surrounding them. I've really only set these guidelines out as a basis, I might break them later but for now this is what I'm going with. The general story line is that someone (Main Character) is sent back in time 1 year, and he has to repeat that year. Now he has to restart and redo his past for better or worse.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Puppets and Masks
A mask is something to hide your own identity with, hence it's name. When you wear a mask you tend to forget who you really are. It seems that you start a new life. The same can be said about puppets. However some puppets have an almost human aspect to it in which inadvertently gives it a creepy feeling that it is also alive. As normal humans we have expectations of someone when we look at them. We do the same thought process when we see puppets because of their humanoid form. We give personalities to them based on their shapes and appearances. The same can also be said that you lose your personality when you use a puppet. However, because this puppet has a sense of a humanoid form it takes a personality of it's own and you may end up doing things that you would normally not do. This humanoid form also seems to be able to take blame. "The puppet did it, not me." While experiencing this effect first hand, I found myself fighting against the urges of the puppet. The puppet would urge to do something yet I knew it was something I didn't want it to do. If you ever use a puppet properly, you will notice that the gaze of the victim will always be on the puppet, not you. Another strange quirk of human mentality.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
We are all the same
One of the most recurring concepts in teenagers is the concept of individuality and being unique. We are force fed the idea that we need to be unique and this manifests itself in various forms that may seem unorthodox. The first is the strive to perfection. When one strives to be perfect, they want to be on top. The core of social hierarchy is the inherent difference in the top and the bottom. The bottom is many while the top is few. Perfection is a way to climb up this system. The second is to be different from everyone else. Being unique is when people delve into the taboo of society. Trying things that are unknown to others and delving head first into the esoteric arts. The last is isolation. While this is the more difficult one to understand it all relies on an subconscious form of individuality. This form is when the individual removes themselves from society and creates an illusion that they are different from the rest of society; most typically the idea that they are not human. In reality people are nearly the same. The fact that these types of displays of individuality are categorizable show that all humans are the same. We all share the common methodology of thinking, what keeps us different and not a race of clones, is that we think of different topics at different intensities, one person may like history and know more about history and think more about history, while another might like something along the lines of astronomy. That is what defines our brains while our memories define our personalities. We all share this natural human framework that allows us to think in this way, and our thoughts are much more similar than most of us would expect.
Friday, April 4, 2014
Pay Attention to Others
The truth is that it's never about you. It's always about other people. This is something that one must accept to be able to move on in life, otherwise we will all remain fools. With this simple step in mind, we must realize what other people think and take from you. People are the biggest influence to others, there is no differentiation. A stranger can effect you as much as you best friend. The only problem here is that you can't change what other people do, so what can you do? You can change yourself, and this is what everyone should do. We need to start looking at other people and understanding their feelings and desires. At a certain point in one's life you need to realize that everything that humans do is manipulation of others. To accomplish anything one needs to manipulate others. But, not everyone really understands what others feel. While you may be thinking, I know what people feel, I can tell. Sometimes when one person seems one way, they can be having the exact opposite of that emotion. When a self-sacrificing person offers to leave a group so another can join, it's not always the best thing to do to let that person leave. Sometimes that person should stay. Every single kind person is self-sacrificing and to deny them of the group pushes them into more suffering. The hardest people to read are introverts. When you think they are doing one thing, they are really doing something else or want something else. Most introverts may have an outward appearance of disgust toward all others, yet they are usually some of the kindest people and best friends out there. While personally I am still working with observing people, I can't tell you how to pay attention and understand the feelings of others. The best advice is to think before you make a decision that effects that person. Everyone likes to have fun no matter how "kind" you are. It's not right to sacrifice one person for another, even if the group has a unanimous decision on it.
As humans, we need to be looking toward other people and begin to understand them. Just take a minute and review the decision and the effects on the feelings of the self-sacrificing person. Maybe just take a minute and watch what other people are up to instead of having conversations yourself. You may start to notice things.
As humans, we need to be looking toward other people and begin to understand them. Just take a minute and review the decision and the effects on the feelings of the self-sacrificing person. Maybe just take a minute and watch what other people are up to instead of having conversations yourself. You may start to notice things.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
The Easiest way to Change
There is a common saying that goes along the lines of, "It doesn't matter what people think about you, only what you think about yourself." This is used to cheer people up, however, this statement is only half right. Really what matters the most is what people think about you. No one will care about what you think about yourself because they won't know what you feel on the inside. They can't see into your soul. all that matters is what people think about you. In a sense the saying works like this; you feel better about yourself and then because of that you reform how other people think about you.
That's the theory at least.
So, how do you reform yourself? How do you change?
Change is one of the hardest things to do according the majority of people. The concept of change here is a mental change not necessarily a physical change, however a physical change may help to push along a mental change. A mental change is changing how you think or your viewpoints on something. How exactly do you change? To answer this question we need to examine what exactly changes people the most. In this case it's the environment around you that changes you the most. Also the best time to change is when you are young. Humans are born into this world similar to wet clay. You are very easily molded and your ideas can shift really easily depending on what influences poke at you. However as time goes on you become dry and solidify your ideals. It is still possible to change but it would take much more energy to do so. By now you may be thinking, I've probably lived enough to make it really hard for me to change or almost impossible to change. This is not the case. Everyone can change no matter what stage of life they are in. So how to change?
Since the environment has the biggest effect on you, simply change the environment to change yourself. While doing this is a much more difficult process as the results of adjusting the environment may accidentally lead to unwanted side effects. If you manage to change the environment even slightly, you might be able to bring about a change to yourself. For example, you can simply remove some distractions from your house, such as your computer or gaming consoles. If you do this you will in a sense force yourself out of your original self and push yourself forward to do something else. In the case of abstaining from playing video games, you might end up reading in your spare time. If you fail to change the environment then you will fail to change. This is how Rehabilitation Centers work. You force someone into an environment where they lack what they most want. After starving them of this, they are forced to adapt and change to the new situation at hand and become independent of that factor of their lives. At a certain point they are put back into the world. They often relapse because of the fact that their environment has changed again. Since it was an old environment they can easily slide back in and in a sense they haven't changed.
The second thing to do that will change you, is to change your friends. This is much harder to accomplish but will guarantee you a change. It may seem hard to abandon your old friends and find new ones but if the situation calls for it, this might be one of the only ways to do it. While you may think that you can keep both friends, you will find it is very difficult to do while keeping them separate entities. This is not recommend and you should only use it as a last resort.
With all this change about the air, is this really change?
In a sense we can never change. There are two distinct parts to a human, the internal soul and the external expression. While we can change the external expression all we want, the internal soul is solid and will never change. It is the being that we are born with, it is all the skill that we possess and we can never change this, so in a sense we can never change, yet we can.
That's the theory at least.
So, how do you reform yourself? How do you change?
Change is one of the hardest things to do according the majority of people. The concept of change here is a mental change not necessarily a physical change, however a physical change may help to push along a mental change. A mental change is changing how you think or your viewpoints on something. How exactly do you change? To answer this question we need to examine what exactly changes people the most. In this case it's the environment around you that changes you the most. Also the best time to change is when you are young. Humans are born into this world similar to wet clay. You are very easily molded and your ideas can shift really easily depending on what influences poke at you. However as time goes on you become dry and solidify your ideals. It is still possible to change but it would take much more energy to do so. By now you may be thinking, I've probably lived enough to make it really hard for me to change or almost impossible to change. This is not the case. Everyone can change no matter what stage of life they are in. So how to change?
Since the environment has the biggest effect on you, simply change the environment to change yourself. While doing this is a much more difficult process as the results of adjusting the environment may accidentally lead to unwanted side effects. If you manage to change the environment even slightly, you might be able to bring about a change to yourself. For example, you can simply remove some distractions from your house, such as your computer or gaming consoles. If you do this you will in a sense force yourself out of your original self and push yourself forward to do something else. In the case of abstaining from playing video games, you might end up reading in your spare time. If you fail to change the environment then you will fail to change. This is how Rehabilitation Centers work. You force someone into an environment where they lack what they most want. After starving them of this, they are forced to adapt and change to the new situation at hand and become independent of that factor of their lives. At a certain point they are put back into the world. They often relapse because of the fact that their environment has changed again. Since it was an old environment they can easily slide back in and in a sense they haven't changed.
The second thing to do that will change you, is to change your friends. This is much harder to accomplish but will guarantee you a change. It may seem hard to abandon your old friends and find new ones but if the situation calls for it, this might be one of the only ways to do it. While you may think that you can keep both friends, you will find it is very difficult to do while keeping them separate entities. This is not recommend and you should only use it as a last resort.
With all this change about the air, is this really change?
In a sense we can never change. There are two distinct parts to a human, the internal soul and the external expression. While we can change the external expression all we want, the internal soul is solid and will never change. It is the being that we are born with, it is all the skill that we possess and we can never change this, so in a sense we can never change, yet we can.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Universal Suffering
There are two very distinct entities, one that is the human aspect of me and another of a more ascended power. The ascended power has almost no control over my physical deeds and reactions, it is the thinker and the knowledgeable. He lives in a state of moral perfection and neglect that he disconnects himself from the physical realm. The human aspect of me is what drives me forward, a ecstatic and emotional being that is suppressed by the supposed wisdom of the ascended force. It seems like a parasite that infects the human yet it see's itself as beneficial. As the ascended power realizes that it requires the other half to survive, it attempts to wrestle control over the human side. However a ghost has no presence over the physical world and it proves near impossible to make any progress. Even in the face of horrible disasters, only the human side feels the pain, the ascended being looks on with a state of almost disapproval. In the face of such odds these two forces clash in a way unlike devils and angels do. The humans suffers all the pain from moral suffering while the ascended power has no morals. How can this contradiction live and survive in such a human world of today? It is the act of forfeiting that allows a relationship to become stable. Either one side or the other has to give up something, in this case one side gives up complete control only to realize it was a mistake. You never know what you have until you lose it.
Sounds like a story huh?
Sounds like a story huh?
Love is Pain
A tear stained napkin
A food stained napkin
The latter is gone
The tears remain
All alone
A food stained napkin
The latter is gone
The tears remain
All alone
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Monday, March 3, 2014
The King and the Crow
In a world where animals can speak, the species of the world lived in harmony with minor exceptions. Within this world resides the Coalition of Birds. As a result of being unique to other animals, given their ability to fly, they banded together to form this group. They work and live in a community not so different than ours. The pigeons lived side by side with the parrots. Similar to our society, some birds are highly praised and others are lowly. The crow was one of the birds listed in the lower ranks along with the vulture and such. Birds held with high prestige include, the crane, falcon, or owl.
One day a strange beast attacked which resulted in the deaths of many birds. This was a tragic day and from then, the Coalition of Birds has come together to vote on a protector of their coalition. It was going to be a high prestige role, where they would responsible for protecting the coalition. The vote ended with a clear victory by the Peacock. Everyone admired the Peacock as he strode up to the front. The Peacock flared his feathers as he started to announce his inauguration to the world. The emerald shine of his feathers entranced the crowd. He has now been crowned king.
There was one bird in the back where she usually sat. Here the Crow had realized something. The Peacock is elegant beyond any other bird but there was one problem. The competition was one to protect the birds, not one of elegance. The Peacock had no way and no power to defend the birds. He was elected because of how pretty he was, not his capability to protect the birds.
In the end what did the crow do? Did she speak up and alert everyone of this crisis? Or, did she hide away being the peasant that she was?
I will leave the rest of the story up to you, the reader. What did she do?
Feel free to leave your ending in the comments
One day a strange beast attacked which resulted in the deaths of many birds. This was a tragic day and from then, the Coalition of Birds has come together to vote on a protector of their coalition. It was going to be a high prestige role, where they would responsible for protecting the coalition. The vote ended with a clear victory by the Peacock. Everyone admired the Peacock as he strode up to the front. The Peacock flared his feathers as he started to announce his inauguration to the world. The emerald shine of his feathers entranced the crowd. He has now been crowned king.
There was one bird in the back where she usually sat. Here the Crow had realized something. The Peacock is elegant beyond any other bird but there was one problem. The competition was one to protect the birds, not one of elegance. The Peacock had no way and no power to defend the birds. He was elected because of how pretty he was, not his capability to protect the birds.
In the end what did the crow do? Did she speak up and alert everyone of this crisis? Or, did she hide away being the peasant that she was?
I will leave the rest of the story up to you, the reader. What did she do?
Feel free to leave your ending in the comments
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Time Travel in Theory One
Now I could be mean and simply say that you are traveling through time right now, just at was is considered the "normal pace." However, that is boring. The time travel that I will refer to is the concept of traveling back and forward in time.
Lesson 1: Time is relative, it speeds up, slows down, all based on how an entity perceives it. Time can be going by fast for you but slow for another. If you want more information look for Einstein's Theory of Relativity.
Lesson 2: Relative time comes in 2 forms. The first form refers to the manipulation of the "fabric of space-time." For organization purpose I will call this form "Gravitational Form." The second form covers time travel when you do not manipulate the "fabric of space-time" instead you alter another property. I will call this "Relative Form."
Currently both forms of time travel exist in our universe. The easiest to explain being "Gravitational Form." By now most of know about the fact that gravity will alter your perception of time. The more gravity there is, the more the "fabric of space-time" is warped causing time to slow down in that area of space. Time on Jupiter is slower than time here. This form is relatively simple, while this may not be considered time travel that people want, it's a way to travel forward in time. If you place yourself inside a large source of gravity, you could suspend yourself so that no time goes by for you while hundreds of years pass for others. The only problem with this is the fact that you would need to be able to stay alive inside this source of gravity.
The second form takes on different types and is completely based on relativity without gravity. The first and most famous form of time travel with this method is the concept of cryogenic stasis. In this form you also travel forward in time. Your bodily existence is slowed while frozen and when you unfreeze, you end up later in time and can return to living in a body. This form of time travel also allows you to travel forward in time.
So far both these are valid methods for traveling through time, however traveling back in time is territory that has not been stepped on yet. If take one theory for time travel, we can break it down and try to figure out how it works. If we take it from Doctor Who where, “People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff.” As absurd sounding as it is, it's a valid theory that has been supported. In our current time frame we view time as linear, where there is the past, present, and future existing at the same time. This is where Doctor Who fails to abide strictly by these rules. If this state of time exists, that means that time is solid and unwavering, no matter what you do, everything is predetermined. If this theory works, time travel will work but you won't be able to effect anything. If you imagine time to be a sphere, the present is a point inside the sphere, and the point is constantly moving. That is how the perception of time works, however, all of time exists together as an entity with no end and no beginning. Therefore your perception isn't actually moving, it's staying still, as you progress through time to the future, you are moving from point to point, the point is not moving along with you. It only seems that the point is moving because we as humans can only perceive the present and the present is constantly changing. Another way that this theory would work with time travel would be if there were multiple balls of time-y wimey stuff. That would mean that perception can only move from point to point "forward" while attempting to move backward would put you into another sphere elsewhere. That would mean that you being back in time was already preset in that sphere. Once you finish messing up the past in that sphere you would jump to the future and claim that you change time. The problem is that moving forward in time will not bring you to your original sphere, it will bring you to a later point in the sphere you are currently in. In the perspective of the time traveler, he/she remembers the old sphere as the original time frame, now that a new time-frame and he realizes it's different, he/she will claim that he/she has altered time. In reality he/she has only jumped bubbles.
If we take this example of how time works, lets figure out how to travel back and forth in time. Traveling forward in time doesn't appear to be a problem. The act of traveling forward in time is the act of moving the consciousness of the person to another point that is "apparently linear" in progression. In the physical world it would appear that the person is frozen in time only to be released later. If this is the case, time travel forward in time would require a physical space to be available in both the release time and the end time. While the space is not required in between these two times, it's much safer to have it since recreating the space would be much more of a hassle than maintaining the space.
Now we can tackle the concept of going back in time. In every science fiction film the process of going back in time would require a machine of sorts. It's safe to assume that a physical entity will be required at the start of the "jump" and will be needed at the destination. While the start and the end are in different spheres, the physical transport is still required. Although this process would probably take a lot of energy. Because of this massive requirement of energy, we have not been able to create methods to get back in time.
If all of this is true there are a couple of laws for time travel under this theory
1. Traveling forward in time requires a physical space and low energy.
2. Traveling back in time requires a physical capsule and high energy.
3. Traveling forward in time will keep you in the same bubble.
4. Traveling back in time will move you to a different bubble.
5. The bubbles are made with an "apparently linear" form.
6. Bubbles are not changeable.
Note: This is a theory. It probably has a lot of holes considering I made it up just now.
Lesson 1: Time is relative, it speeds up, slows down, all based on how an entity perceives it. Time can be going by fast for you but slow for another. If you want more information look for Einstein's Theory of Relativity.
Lesson 2: Relative time comes in 2 forms. The first form refers to the manipulation of the "fabric of space-time." For organization purpose I will call this form "Gravitational Form." The second form covers time travel when you do not manipulate the "fabric of space-time" instead you alter another property. I will call this "Relative Form."
Currently both forms of time travel exist in our universe. The easiest to explain being "Gravitational Form." By now most of know about the fact that gravity will alter your perception of time. The more gravity there is, the more the "fabric of space-time" is warped causing time to slow down in that area of space. Time on Jupiter is slower than time here. This form is relatively simple, while this may not be considered time travel that people want, it's a way to travel forward in time. If you place yourself inside a large source of gravity, you could suspend yourself so that no time goes by for you while hundreds of years pass for others. The only problem with this is the fact that you would need to be able to stay alive inside this source of gravity.
The second form takes on different types and is completely based on relativity without gravity. The first and most famous form of time travel with this method is the concept of cryogenic stasis. In this form you also travel forward in time. Your bodily existence is slowed while frozen and when you unfreeze, you end up later in time and can return to living in a body. This form of time travel also allows you to travel forward in time.
So far both these are valid methods for traveling through time, however traveling back in time is territory that has not been stepped on yet. If take one theory for time travel, we can break it down and try to figure out how it works. If we take it from Doctor Who where, “People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff.” As absurd sounding as it is, it's a valid theory that has been supported. In our current time frame we view time as linear, where there is the past, present, and future existing at the same time. This is where Doctor Who fails to abide strictly by these rules. If this state of time exists, that means that time is solid and unwavering, no matter what you do, everything is predetermined. If this theory works, time travel will work but you won't be able to effect anything. If you imagine time to be a sphere, the present is a point inside the sphere, and the point is constantly moving. That is how the perception of time works, however, all of time exists together as an entity with no end and no beginning. Therefore your perception isn't actually moving, it's staying still, as you progress through time to the future, you are moving from point to point, the point is not moving along with you. It only seems that the point is moving because we as humans can only perceive the present and the present is constantly changing. Another way that this theory would work with time travel would be if there were multiple balls of time-y wimey stuff. That would mean that perception can only move from point to point "forward" while attempting to move backward would put you into another sphere elsewhere. That would mean that you being back in time was already preset in that sphere. Once you finish messing up the past in that sphere you would jump to the future and claim that you change time. The problem is that moving forward in time will not bring you to your original sphere, it will bring you to a later point in the sphere you are currently in. In the perspective of the time traveler, he/she remembers the old sphere as the original time frame, now that a new time-frame and he realizes it's different, he/she will claim that he/she has altered time. In reality he/she has only jumped bubbles.
If we take this example of how time works, lets figure out how to travel back and forth in time. Traveling forward in time doesn't appear to be a problem. The act of traveling forward in time is the act of moving the consciousness of the person to another point that is "apparently linear" in progression. In the physical world it would appear that the person is frozen in time only to be released later. If this is the case, time travel forward in time would require a physical space to be available in both the release time and the end time. While the space is not required in between these two times, it's much safer to have it since recreating the space would be much more of a hassle than maintaining the space.
Now we can tackle the concept of going back in time. In every science fiction film the process of going back in time would require a machine of sorts. It's safe to assume that a physical entity will be required at the start of the "jump" and will be needed at the destination. While the start and the end are in different spheres, the physical transport is still required. Although this process would probably take a lot of energy. Because of this massive requirement of energy, we have not been able to create methods to get back in time.
If all of this is true there are a couple of laws for time travel under this theory
1. Traveling forward in time requires a physical space and low energy.
2. Traveling back in time requires a physical capsule and high energy.
3. Traveling forward in time will keep you in the same bubble.
4. Traveling back in time will move you to a different bubble.
5. The bubbles are made with an "apparently linear" form.
6. Bubbles are not changeable.
Note: This is a theory. It probably has a lot of holes considering I made it up just now.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Vocaloid vs. Natural Voice
Vocaloid: a singing synthesizer application software developed by the
Yamaha Corporation.
In other words, a vocaloid is a program that synthetically creates a voice that is capable of changing volume, pitch, and articulation.
The first thing that people say when they hear about vocaloids is, why bother having them? Why is there a need for songs made from synthetic voices when you can simply have real people sing them with natural voices. Almost everyone that is new to the idea of vocaloids asks this question first, and it's a valid question. It is true that the majority of people would agree that listening to a natural voice is much better than a synthetically produced one.
The reason that this question is asked is because we are still only used to the American system of music where big companies make music and those songs become popular nationwide and everyone loves them, this is different in Japan. In Japan, there is a site that is called niconico(To use niconico, you need to create an account). It acts very similar to YouTube as people can create videos and post them for everyone to see. The only big difference here is that niconico has an extremely large section dedicated to music and not just music from big companies but also from budding composers and singers all over the country(Japan). The vocaloid program is made so that people can create songs without any talent in singing, they only have to know how to make music and they can give their own songs lyrics without having to sing it themselves. That is the true purpose of the vocaloid program. It is all about letting individuals all around Japan show off what they have and that they can make music. Once someone makes a song they can post it to niconico and hope that their song rises in popularity and reaches top ranks on the site. If they do, it will be easier for bigger companies to realize this persons work and hire them on a job or cooperate with them to create a song.
(From this point on I will have alternative links that link to the niconico website in case you do have an account and would like to access the original work.)
Vocaloids come in all shapes and sizes, they also come in all forms and types of voices. One of the most popular vocaloid being Hatsune Miku. Her most popular song SenbonZakura(NicoNico) was created by someone called Kura Usa(黒うさ). Kura Usa started off as a typical user on niconico posting songs that he created until he made SenbonZakura, where it went down in history as one of the best songs out there. The next most popular vocaloid is actually a pair. Kagamine Len and Kagamine Rin are brother and sister, Rin being the sister. They were released at the same time in the same program. Usually they do solos for songs even though they are sold in the same package. One of the more popular Rin songs is called Lost One's Weeping(NicoNico.) One of the more popular Len songs is Servant of Evil(NicoNico.) The next on this list would be GUMI with one of her biggest songs being Donut Hole(NicoNico.) After this point it's debatable but IA is usually the next one up with Six Trillion Years and Overnight Story(NicoNico.) The thing to remember about all theses songs is that they are made by individuals or small groups of people. These are all people who have gained a lot of popularity via niconico.
Don't get the wrong impression that all songs in Japan are made with vocaloids. People in Japan will also agree that normal vocals are a lot better. If you have talent and you can sing, you end up being a Utaite. A Utaite is someone who covers songs. People do covers of famous songs that are sung by vocaloid and they get famous when people like them. Some popular Utaites include Soraru, Kradness, 96Neko, Reol(Note: I could not find a YouTube link for this one sorry.) There are various Utaites that have obtained official jobs by becoming famous on niconico, one of these is Yanagi Nagi who has started creating her own original songs. Another famous Utaite is Nano known for incorporating English into her songs.
Vocaloids miss out on the passion that a human voice. The thing that they do right is that it helps people open up to music without needing the ability to sing.
The human voice is something that cannot be truly recreated, no matter how much one tries to recreate it, the passion that it possesses when it sings is something that no one can come to. If you take a comparison of two of the same songs that one a vocaloid sings, while in the other a human sings, you will notice a big difference.
In Japan vocaloids and humans are both valued at the same level, if you still are having trouble grasping the concept of vocaloid, the best way to think of it is that a vocaloid is an instrument. While if you are a budding composer and want to use vocaloid, they do sell English vocaloid, the only problem is that to use a vocaloid, you first need to buy a base program in which you can run the vocaloid algorithm. This base program costs around $110, then you need to buy the actual vocaloid you want. For example the Japanese version of Hatsune Miku(V2) would cost around $164. Then after that you would need the ability to record instruments and play instruments.
As time goes on new vocaloids will keep releasing, the next one to release releases on February, 14th 2014. Her name is Kokone.
Sample Kokone Song
Below is a list of vocaloid songs (With their singer) that are some of my favorites. There are plenty more vocaloids out there, it's just that these are big ones.
(Hatsune Miku) Mono Poisoner
(Hatsune Miku) ODDS & ENDS
(Hatsune Miku) Star Story
(Hatsune Miku) Black Board
(Hatsune Miku) Online Gaming Addicts Sprechchor
(Hatsune Miku) Kagerou Days
(Hatsune Miku) A Solution for Jealousuy -Another Story-
(Megurine Luka) Just be Friends
(IA) Six Trillion Years and Overnight Story
(IA) Imagination Forest
(IA) Otsukimi Recital
(IA) Kisaragi Attention
(IA) Ayano's Theory of Happiness
(Kagamine Rin) Lost One's Weeping
(Kagamine Rin) Idola Circus
(Kagamine Len) Embarrassment-Hiding Adolescence
(GUMI) A Solution for Jealousy
(GUMI) Confession Rehearsal
(GUMI) Diagnosis: Love-sickness
(Lily) WAVE
(Lily) START
(Lily) -ERROR
Note to those that know about vocaloids, I'm neglecting a lot of big ones.
I guess you can get to know me a bit more from this.
In other words, a vocaloid is a program that synthetically creates a voice that is capable of changing volume, pitch, and articulation.
The first thing that people say when they hear about vocaloids is, why bother having them? Why is there a need for songs made from synthetic voices when you can simply have real people sing them with natural voices. Almost everyone that is new to the idea of vocaloids asks this question first, and it's a valid question. It is true that the majority of people would agree that listening to a natural voice is much better than a synthetically produced one.
The reason that this question is asked is because we are still only used to the American system of music where big companies make music and those songs become popular nationwide and everyone loves them, this is different in Japan. In Japan, there is a site that is called niconico(To use niconico, you need to create an account). It acts very similar to YouTube as people can create videos and post them for everyone to see. The only big difference here is that niconico has an extremely large section dedicated to music and not just music from big companies but also from budding composers and singers all over the country(Japan). The vocaloid program is made so that people can create songs without any talent in singing, they only have to know how to make music and they can give their own songs lyrics without having to sing it themselves. That is the true purpose of the vocaloid program. It is all about letting individuals all around Japan show off what they have and that they can make music. Once someone makes a song they can post it to niconico and hope that their song rises in popularity and reaches top ranks on the site. If they do, it will be easier for bigger companies to realize this persons work and hire them on a job or cooperate with them to create a song.
(From this point on I will have alternative links that link to the niconico website in case you do have an account and would like to access the original work.)
Vocaloids come in all shapes and sizes, they also come in all forms and types of voices. One of the most popular vocaloid being Hatsune Miku. Her most popular song SenbonZakura(NicoNico) was created by someone called Kura Usa(黒うさ). Kura Usa started off as a typical user on niconico posting songs that he created until he made SenbonZakura, where it went down in history as one of the best songs out there. The next most popular vocaloid is actually a pair. Kagamine Len and Kagamine Rin are brother and sister, Rin being the sister. They were released at the same time in the same program. Usually they do solos for songs even though they are sold in the same package. One of the more popular Rin songs is called Lost One's Weeping(NicoNico.) One of the more popular Len songs is Servant of Evil(NicoNico.) The next on this list would be GUMI with one of her biggest songs being Donut Hole(NicoNico.) After this point it's debatable but IA is usually the next one up with Six Trillion Years and Overnight Story(NicoNico.) The thing to remember about all theses songs is that they are made by individuals or small groups of people. These are all people who have gained a lot of popularity via niconico.
Don't get the wrong impression that all songs in Japan are made with vocaloids. People in Japan will also agree that normal vocals are a lot better. If you have talent and you can sing, you end up being a Utaite. A Utaite is someone who covers songs. People do covers of famous songs that are sung by vocaloid and they get famous when people like them. Some popular Utaites include Soraru, Kradness, 96Neko, Reol(Note: I could not find a YouTube link for this one sorry.) There are various Utaites that have obtained official jobs by becoming famous on niconico, one of these is Yanagi Nagi who has started creating her own original songs. Another famous Utaite is Nano known for incorporating English into her songs.
Vocaloids miss out on the passion that a human voice. The thing that they do right is that it helps people open up to music without needing the ability to sing.
The human voice is something that cannot be truly recreated, no matter how much one tries to recreate it, the passion that it possesses when it sings is something that no one can come to. If you take a comparison of two of the same songs that one a vocaloid sings, while in the other a human sings, you will notice a big difference.
In Japan vocaloids and humans are both valued at the same level, if you still are having trouble grasping the concept of vocaloid, the best way to think of it is that a vocaloid is an instrument. While if you are a budding composer and want to use vocaloid, they do sell English vocaloid, the only problem is that to use a vocaloid, you first need to buy a base program in which you can run the vocaloid algorithm. This base program costs around $110, then you need to buy the actual vocaloid you want. For example the Japanese version of Hatsune Miku(V2) would cost around $164. Then after that you would need the ability to record instruments and play instruments.
As time goes on new vocaloids will keep releasing, the next one to release releases on February, 14th 2014. Her name is Kokone.
Sample Kokone Song
Below is a list of vocaloid songs (With their singer) that are some of my favorites. There are plenty more vocaloids out there, it's just that these are big ones.
(Hatsune Miku) Mono Poisoner
(Hatsune Miku) ODDS & ENDS
(Hatsune Miku) Star Story
(Hatsune Miku) Black Board
(Hatsune Miku) Online Gaming Addicts Sprechchor
(Hatsune Miku) Kagerou Days
(Hatsune Miku) A Solution for Jealousuy -Another Story-
(Megurine Luka) Just be Friends
(IA) Six Trillion Years and Overnight Story
(IA) Imagination Forest
(IA) Otsukimi Recital
(IA) Kisaragi Attention
(IA) Ayano's Theory of Happiness
(Kagamine Rin) Lost One's Weeping
(Kagamine Rin) Idola Circus
(Kagamine Len) Embarrassment-Hiding Adolescence
(GUMI) A Solution for Jealousy
(GUMI) Confession Rehearsal
(GUMI) Diagnosis: Love-sickness
(Lily) WAVE
(Lily) START
(Lily) -ERROR
Note to those that know about vocaloids, I'm neglecting a lot of big ones.
I guess you can get to know me a bit more from this.
Friday, January 24, 2014
I'm not Smart
The concept of smart has already been classified into categories already and everyone knows them, the only problem is that not everyone realizes what they actually mean. The two categories are Street-Smart, and Book-Smart. In truth one of these is not actually smart, it is skill. To begin, I'd like to change their names so that the meanings behind them are more obvious.
Street-Smart is a very broad way of defining smart. The idea that we should be looking at is the smartness of logicality and reasoning. Anything logical fits into this category and anything that requires reasoning also fits here. Logic and Reasoning are one of the most important features to a human being.
Book-Smart is very different. Book smart is the ability of memorization and retaining the memory. It is the smartness of knowledge. Humans are unique that they want to know everything, they are curious. As a result of their curiosity, they create systems of storage outside the human brain. Because most people are capable of only holding a limited amount of knowledge, we store the knowledge elsewhere which can then be learned later on or by another human.
Having both of these characteristics is something everyone wants, however the problem with having one word to envelop both of these definitions is the problem. In school, you may have been called smart once, but for what reason? Was it because your reasoning in a situation was excellent, or was it because of your ability to bring something you knew to the table that no one else knew? School systems praise Knowledge but shut down Logic and Reasoning. It's good to be strong in one, but you must also be strong in the other. While many school are noticing that Logic and Reasoning is required, the majority of school systems still lack Logic and Reasoning. Our grades in school are completely dependent on Knowledge. That's why some people are considered smart while they may have bad grades. To bring back what I mentioned before, I said, "In truth one of these is not actually smart, it is skill." Which one do you think is skill, and which one is smart?
Thursday, January 16, 2014
The 7 Necessary Sins
Lust can be defined as the intense desire. This intense desire is something that is classified as a sin, however this isn't what people should really be like. Without a desire, we would all fall into confusion and despair. The one thing that we should all have a desire for would be a goal. Without a goal in life we are not really living. Not having a desire would actually be a sin.
While Gluttony is primary concerned with food consumption, it is commonly used to refer to selfishness. No one can deny the fact that everyone is selfish. This is a fact. Here is what people get wrong, being selfish isn't bad. Everyone is selfish because we are all human. Selfishness is something necessary for survival. If we were placed on an abandoned island with seven people, and a single slice of pizza, we need to be selfish or we would die. Regardless if we are selfish or not the majority of the group is guaranteed to instinctively go for that slice of pizza and eat it themselves. This is an excessive amount of selfishness, but it's not good to have no selfishness either.
Greed is the desire of material possessions. As children we have the idea that we shouldn't be greedy drilled into our heads. No matter what society you belong to, this idea will always be in your head. Whether you follow it or not is a different story. The idea is a global one that needs to be there or else society will not function. Although having no desire for material possessions is completely out of the question. We humans reside in a physical world of three dimensions. To survive we must use all that we can in the three dimensions given to us to survive. If we choose to ignore the physical world, our life would come crashing down and we would probably die. Everyone needs shelter and consumables. These are physical desires that everyone must learn that they need to have. We humans reside in a physical realm and until the day we ascend and remove ourselves from our physical restraints, we will need greed.
This is the sin of laziness, one of the hardest to understand why we need it. There is a difference between lazy and relaxed. Relaxed is taking a break from work, while laziness is not having work to do and not doing work. Relaxation is always important, but laziness is something that everyone sees as bad. The reason people see this as bad is because a lazy person doesn't have a goal and without a goal, they won't know what to do. Being lazy all the time is in every situation bad, no one likes a lazy person and no one likes someone that seeks to be lazy, however, there is a situation where you need to be lazy. You should be lazy once in your life. When you become lazy you will see how relaxing it is but you will soon realize how no work is being accomplished, at this point you need to break your laziness and pop back into work. If you can accomplish this shift back into work and not fail, you will never want to be lazy again and it will be hard to be lazy.
Wraith is anger. Anger is an expression of emotion. Emotions are very important. Emotional expression is important for social communication. Side Note: I have emotions, I just don't express them (I'm working on it).
Envy is the want to be someone else other than you. While logic tells us that we should be ourselves and be unique, what are the odds of being perfectly unique. To start we are all human and the chance that we are one in seven billion, is pretty low. Basing yourself of someone is the best thing to do. You must begin by envying that person and building yourself like them, at a certain point it will be impossible to mimic them exactly. This is the point where you must diverge and create your own life. This is the path to a successful life. The people that come before you come for a reason. They are there to teach you what to do since they have already walked that path. If they can successfully transfer their wisdom to you, you will surpass them and become successful.
How can you succeed in business without pride in what you do? If you lack pride in what you do, you won't be confident in anything you do. As an artist, one will realize that without pride or acknowledgement of one's own skill, you will fail to succeed no matter what. However, there is always a specific amount of pride you can hold. If you hold too much you can hurt others, but if you hold too little you can also hurt others. Every individual must be aware of oneself, if not those who watch them think fools of themselves. Some don't realize that others can take pain because they have no pride in themselves. As a result, others take deep pain in themselves, thinking that they are even worse because the other person doesn't acknowledge their own success. If one can't even catch up to someone working at mediocre level, how can that person possible bridge the gap between an expert.
Lust can be defined as the intense desire. This intense desire is something that is classified as a sin, however this isn't what people should really be like. Without a desire, we would all fall into confusion and despair. The one thing that we should all have a desire for would be a goal. Without a goal in life we are not really living. Not having a desire would actually be a sin.
While Gluttony is primary concerned with food consumption, it is commonly used to refer to selfishness. No one can deny the fact that everyone is selfish. This is a fact. Here is what people get wrong, being selfish isn't bad. Everyone is selfish because we are all human. Selfishness is something necessary for survival. If we were placed on an abandoned island with seven people, and a single slice of pizza, we need to be selfish or we would die. Regardless if we are selfish or not the majority of the group is guaranteed to instinctively go for that slice of pizza and eat it themselves. This is an excessive amount of selfishness, but it's not good to have no selfishness either.
Greed is the desire of material possessions. As children we have the idea that we shouldn't be greedy drilled into our heads. No matter what society you belong to, this idea will always be in your head. Whether you follow it or not is a different story. The idea is a global one that needs to be there or else society will not function. Although having no desire for material possessions is completely out of the question. We humans reside in a physical world of three dimensions. To survive we must use all that we can in the three dimensions given to us to survive. If we choose to ignore the physical world, our life would come crashing down and we would probably die. Everyone needs shelter and consumables. These are physical desires that everyone must learn that they need to have. We humans reside in a physical realm and until the day we ascend and remove ourselves from our physical restraints, we will need greed.
This is the sin of laziness, one of the hardest to understand why we need it. There is a difference between lazy and relaxed. Relaxed is taking a break from work, while laziness is not having work to do and not doing work. Relaxation is always important, but laziness is something that everyone sees as bad. The reason people see this as bad is because a lazy person doesn't have a goal and without a goal, they won't know what to do. Being lazy all the time is in every situation bad, no one likes a lazy person and no one likes someone that seeks to be lazy, however, there is a situation where you need to be lazy. You should be lazy once in your life. When you become lazy you will see how relaxing it is but you will soon realize how no work is being accomplished, at this point you need to break your laziness and pop back into work. If you can accomplish this shift back into work and not fail, you will never want to be lazy again and it will be hard to be lazy.
Wraith is anger. Anger is an expression of emotion. Emotions are very important. Emotional expression is important for social communication. Side Note: I have emotions, I just don't express them (I'm working on it).
Envy is the want to be someone else other than you. While logic tells us that we should be ourselves and be unique, what are the odds of being perfectly unique. To start we are all human and the chance that we are one in seven billion, is pretty low. Basing yourself of someone is the best thing to do. You must begin by envying that person and building yourself like them, at a certain point it will be impossible to mimic them exactly. This is the point where you must diverge and create your own life. This is the path to a successful life. The people that come before you come for a reason. They are there to teach you what to do since they have already walked that path. If they can successfully transfer their wisdom to you, you will surpass them and become successful.
How can you succeed in business without pride in what you do? If you lack pride in what you do, you won't be confident in anything you do. As an artist, one will realize that without pride or acknowledgement of one's own skill, you will fail to succeed no matter what. However, there is always a specific amount of pride you can hold. If you hold too much you can hurt others, but if you hold too little you can also hurt others. Every individual must be aware of oneself, if not those who watch them think fools of themselves. Some don't realize that others can take pain because they have no pride in themselves. As a result, others take deep pain in themselves, thinking that they are even worse because the other person doesn't acknowledge their own success. If one can't even catch up to someone working at mediocre level, how can that person possible bridge the gap between an expert.
Friday, January 3, 2014
Anonymous Heroism
The definition of a hero is someone admired for their achievements or favorable qualities. A hero is a public figure. The heroes we praise in our society are people that have done something good and upon further examination, they have favorable qualities. Then this person becomes a hero. What people don't understand is that heroes live for that major achievement in their lives, such as rescuing the princess or saving someone from a burning house. These major achievements bring them fame and as a result, they become heroes. Once this achievements is accomplished, the hero does not need to do anymore. They have finished. People always say they want to become heroes but is that really what they want? Being a hero is not the only way to do good. There are those who strive for the benefit of others but never request anything back. These people do good but are anonymous. They do small things to help others and they live their lives satisfied. Not being noticed doesn't mean an unsuccessful life. As long as you are pleased with yourself, you can live a successful life.
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